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Several internship options:
noémie [640x480]
MARIE 20 [1024x768]_edited
Image1 [320x200]
P1150217 [320x200]
DSC_0001 [320x200]
DSC_0157 [320x200]
DSC00222 [320x200]
DSC00234 [320x200]
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YANIS [320x200]
THELMA [320x200]
STEPHANIE [320x200]
P1000523 [320x200]
Au Musée du Vitrail
86600 Curzay-sur-Vonne
In 2 afternoons of 5 hours, on weekdays or at weekends, dare to come and make your own stained glass window measuring approximately 30x30 cm.
You have more time, you will realize in addition to the imposed model, in 35 hours over 5 days a personal creation.
Vous disposez de 4 heures, venez réaliser un petit vitrail.
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